Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dad just shouted while opening the boy's room. He was late for school as he set the alarm at the wrong time. It was just the second day of school. 'Great' start.

The timetable for today was quite stress and horrible. Maths and chemistry along with add maths and physics on the same day. A bad or good news about the Maths teacher, Miss Chin was announced by herself considering that she will be leaving on Wednesday without mistake. Mr. Teng another wonderful teacher was also leaving on next friday. Mentioning whether is it good or bad for the boy about Miss Chin's transfer, he wasn't sure about it,  may be both. Good was that her teaching was awesome, the bad was the homework and her teaching style, although it may benefit the boy in the future, who knows.

Things happened in a way that no one could imagined. It happened nearly school ends. The boy's class is having a moral lesson until late afternoon which was an unreasonable time to end. While the monitor of the class decided to skip the lesson and ends it earlier, she persuaded the class in a very special way. Making people misunderstood that there was no class. The moral teacher was upset when she found out half of the class went missing and so she ended it. regarding this case, it does bring benefits to some but it also bring some troubles to the others. The boy stay back a little late and he saw what happened. Some have trouble with the transport, teacher having discomfort whether to report or not, some even wasted the time for doing nothing. Things shouldn't have been that way.

And the boy wasted three hours for a 'short' nap. No enough time for study and will be facing a huge trouble with piano lesson as he did not practice for a month.


Things seems better. But at the end of the day, he mistook that the girl was one of them trying to leave earlier. He saw her packing and also leaving. Sadly and dissapoited. While staying back, he saw her doing some preparation for the orientation of the juniors. She wasn't bad at all!

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