Saturday, January 12, 2013

What a miserable it is!
This day, he made him mum cried AGAIN. It started this way. His family and him himself getting their feet to some shopping mall to have some family time. Dinner time and they went to a Japanese restaurant to grab their dinner. And the family chat started, peacefully. So he decided to say things out in sincere to get the bonding closer to each other. He told his mum that he dislike the way that how she complain things. It all went wrong and his mother started to cry. This boy had no idea what was happening and did not know what to do. All he did was sat there watching her as his family continue to  eat in silence.

Getting back home, he was still wandering what did he did wrong. Is it the timing? Or the wording? Or the mood? Until he apologized to his mum saying that he was sorry if he was being mean to her. She explained that being completely honest has no wrong but being mean was the matter. Well, he was still wandering if being honest is being mean, then is it right or wrong or should he be honest again.


Morning he had a PBSM meeting in school and coincidently he met her. But not saying anything or not doing anything. She was marching , she had a reason. He was holding his bag with a hand, he had no reason for not waving with the other hand. Regret.

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