Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It was the third day for the boy in Brisbane, Australia. It was really nice here.  The morning breeze was freezing, but people were just jogging around the neighborhood, and cycling too. He did get to say hi to some of them jogging and they were really friendly.

 Foods were just too great to describe it. It was different everyday and he gets to try them all.  He just can’t stop himself for getting the second and third helping. It would be really dump to resists it. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were the best times in Australia.

 Well, people were nice here but it the boy still have some little trouble to start a conversation. Their ways of talking were just far more better then the boy. He would really like to improve his English when going back to Malaysia. He was trying his best to get what they were trying to tell. Well, he did get some of it; if he doesn’t, he will just pretend he did and smiled back just to avoid some really award moments.

 He did made some friends out there. Some were from Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, some were even from Japan. They were really nice and made great friends out of it. Fooling around, talking crap jokes, Making fun of each other. These are some moments that the boy should really cherish.

 Through this summer camp, he did learn a lot about many things and had some really great experience. Firstly, he had his first time getting on plane alone, without parents accompany and he had a safe landing. That was really amazing getting himself out of trouble.

 The next thing was getting things done as a group with people from different country, cultures, and maybe state. It wasn’t really going that well for him but he did have some great time. It was the first time for him hanging out with this big bunch of people from different places. It was awesome and that what he could say.

 Cultural night! He also had his first time wearing a Baju Melayu walking around and has his dinner. Although he looked weird but it was new for him. Another thing that was new for him is wearing formally, like having his blazers on. He looked smart maybe, but it was quite stressful because he has to look really ‘gentleman’ during the dinner and he was not being himself. Hope things will turn better on him and have luck!


He didn’t contact that girl and he didn’t receive any message too. Well, it should be normal. He wished he really could just tell her that he safely arrived and having fun but not just this time. Hope to get in touch with her soon.

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