Friday, December 21, 2012

It has been really lifeless for the boy, trying to finish all his homework. He tried hard to get back to reality after all the fun he had in Chrysalis. It was an unforgettable awesome week.

So, he decided to recall back all he had done in this camp, every single piece!

8th of December 2012, a day before the camp started, he woke up earlier than usual because he was too excited for the things yet to come. He reaches KLIA, international airport of Malaysia, and stated waiting for the check-in long queue. He met up with the girl, Sue Yi that she will be in the same flight as the boy. Before depart, the boy gave a huge and tight hug to his parents and her sister, promising them bring souvenir back. It was a long 7 hours flight. He did enjoyed the flight as the meal was provided and so does the good service. He was thankful that Sue Yi was with him because he knew nothing about the process of everything.

Reaching Brisbane, Australia at night time. After they have done everything, they first thing they saw after leaving the emigration department, there was a man nearly bald with white hair holding a piece of board written their names on it. The man called Paul was a driver that in-charge of the transport bringing them to Emmanuel College. There was another 17-year-old boy named Victor was with them during the journey. He tried to talked with the driver, Paul and with Victor, from Sarawak, Malaysia, to kill the awkwardness in the air.

After reaching Emmanuel College, the friendly security, Steve came to introduce himself. The boy was a little shocked how friendly the people were here. Steve brought all of them including those who reached at the same time the boy did, Sebastian and Celine who is from Jakarta, Indonesia and a canadian, Mark from Singapore to a small and short tour around Emmanuel College. He also did brought them to the kitchen and get them some food for late dinner. After the brief tour, they all settle down in their own dorm and the boy later met Calvin from Jakarta, Indonesia and the leader, Tom (TC). The boy was surprised in his own dorm that everything was fully prepared for him. The only thing was malfunctioning was the table which he got a change later on.

9th of December 2012, he woke up early at 6 in the morning which is still 4 in Malaysia. It was so quiet like he was all alone in the College. He took a quick bath and brushes his teeth and grab his camera and shades and took a walk around to make himself feel comfortable with the new surroundings. The cold breeze the was so nice that he could never had a taste of that in Malaysia. After having a walk around, he went back to check if everyone has already woke up. The first thing he saw was Calvin staring outside his own dorm. The boy had no idea what happened but he had a short chat with him and knew that there was a convenient store just around the corner that he could get himself an adapter.

He had no idea where should he head to while there is a lot of residents around jogging and cycling in the nice and cool morning. The joggers was all friendly saying 'How do you do today' or 'Good morning' to the boy even the boy was a stranger to them. They were so friendly that the boy could not stop himself by replying GOOD MORNING! He tried to talked to some joggers asking for direction to the convenient store, there was an old couple trying their best by asking some others about the store. He was so thankful that he don't know how can he express that. All their replies was just 'No worries' and jogged away without hoping something in return.

The friendliness can be continually felt by the boy after reaching the convenient store by the greetings of the workers at IGA. He asked for some assistant from them to get himself an adapter. And that was the first item he brought after reaching at Australia. On the way heading back to the college, he felt the cool breeze freezing his cheek and that was really comfortable. He took a few pictures of the wonderful scenery as he don't want to miss any of the great moment.

After reaching back at the college, he tried to talk with those Indonesian from Jakarta, Calvin and Sebastian. Together they went to the dining hall to fill their stomach with some 5 stars breakfast. The food prepared was so awesome that it was compatible with those 5 stars hotels back in Malaysia. There were bacons,

To be continued later...

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