Friday, January 25, 2013

Chinese New Year is near!
Chinese society had spent their effort in succeeding today's event, Caligraphy writing competition. Tons of sentosarians attended and participated in the activity including the boy himself. He was pleased to see how people are passionate about cultures that are passed down generation by generation. It was a success for the activity today! He took part in it and was qualified for the 1st round, should be happy as he had never gotten that chance for 17 years of life. 

It was Ming Qing a.k.a Timothy's birthday. It was awkward for him when these boys kept repeat singing the same old birthday song anywhere and anytime. Lift, canteen, or even toilet. He should be 'proud' that he had these great friends to made him proud of his big day. Tons of love letters was written for him and was stucked in his green turtle backpack. Happy Birthday, MING QING!

During English lesson, the boy's English teacher made a personality test for the class. Enjoyable moment with laughter around. Partially was totally untrue. She even pointed out who is his soulmate.


The boy done the test and shows his soulmate was her. Awkward stunned while others were laughing. He does hope it was true. 

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